Vi har 20 års erfarenhet av att förenkla säljprocesser genom avancerade offertlösningar

Vår vision är att vloxq CPQ ska vara den främsta lösningen när standardmoduler för CRM eller ERP inte uppfyller dina behov. 

Bygg med oss.

The Challenge

PE Accounting renew every single customer contract annually. Every contract renewal used to require manual work and PE had tried to simplify the process before but could not find a good solution until they tried vloxq.

Every contract renewal used to take 90-120 minutes and were split between 10 Lead Accountants. But the Lead Accountant’s main responsibility is to help their clients with ongoing accounting services so that leaves little time to focus on renewals. It proved to be a stress factor for the team, and it was easily postponed because it required a lot of focus

The renewal process consisted of several different steps; first, usage data was exported into Excel and then formatted and analyzed based on an average usage volume in order to decide a price for the upcoming agreement period. When done in Excel the next challenge was to copy and paste the right information into Word and design a nice-looking quote that could be downloaded as a PDF.

The time spent on creating contract renewal agreement took time away from proactive customer service and the complexity resulted in a lag of renewals which made it hard for Lead Accountants to get an overview of their customers.

  • A Custom Integration was developed
  • Automating an internal process that used to be completely manual
  • Resulting in Improved margins


PE integrated their back end directly with vloxq which means that they could stop using Excel for calculations.

Now every Lead Account can easily spot which customers that are up for renewal every month. With all the usage data already in the vloxq user interface it is easy to get and overview and prices are automatically suggested for every new agreement period. All they need to do now is to edit the suggested price if needed and then export the quote as PDF with their brand identity.


We have already noticed several cleat improvements since we started using vloxq:

Customers gets a beautiful and clear quote with transparent pricing with automatically updated terms.

Lead Accountants spend on average one hour less per contract renewal, they can now spend that time working proactively with the customers and identify new opportunities.

The renewal process is now considered to be simple and efficient. That in combination with the overview what customers that are up for renewal has resulted in no overdue renewals since PE started using vloxq. Over time this will lead to improved margins.

From a management perspective It removes uncertainty now that PE has automated a previously manual process. Now they do not have to worry about human errors and management can instead depend on vloxq to make sure that all the numbers are correct. vloxq also provides analytics and data that can help them update the pricing models and forecast their revenue more accurately.

PE understands the value it means to be considered a great place to work and want their employees to have fun while working for the company. Their Lead Accountants are crucial to their success and they always strive to make their jobs as enjoyable as possible, removing manual processes is one way to do this.

As a supplier, we are definitely pleased with vloxq. The onboarding was very smooth, and the sales engineer assigned to us have done a good job of understanding our needs and wants. They continuously challenge us and proactively offer us advice how things ever more effective.

Next Steps in the cooperation are that PE will start using vloxq for consolidated accounts and active the integration to their e-signature solution.  

Thanks to the cooperation with vloxq it is now easier for PE to scale their Lead Accountant organization, so that they can keep the DI Gasell Award Streak active.

About the company
PE Accounting offers a combination of a software application developed in-house and accounting firm-services that focus on automation. PE currently has 20 000 users representing 800 customers. They have been awarded with the prestigious DI Gasell Award 5 years in a row (2016-2020).

Stockholm, Sweden


Malin Gilck
Malin Gilck - CCO at PE Accounting
Amir Suhonjic, CFO at PE Accounting