Vi har 20 års erfarenhet av att förenkla säljprocesser genom avancerade offertlösningar

Vår vision är att vloxq CPQ ska vara den främsta lösningen när standardmoduler för CRM eller ERP inte uppfyller dina behov. 

Bygg med oss.
Fredrik Nilsson, owner of Elon

The Challenge

The main challenge was that creating a quote took too much time for Elon’s sales representatives. A quote from Elon usually includes products from several different suppliers, which meant that product information and prices needed to be fetched from various databases for every new quote. The information was then manually entered in Excel spreadsheets and business critical calculations were made in a number of mandatory steps.

When the calculations had been done the next step was to go to Elon’s corporate website to download product images and fact sheets that were linked to the products included in the quote. The quote was finally sent to the customer with a number of PDF-attachments by regular email. This turned out to be a very time-consuming process that inevitably led to longer sales cycles because the customer had to wait for an offer that they eventually could accept.


vloxq scientifically decreases the time it takes for Elon’s sales representatives to create new quotes. All the necessary information and documentation has been gathered in the vloxq UI already so that quotes can be generated by filling in a limited number of input fields

Fredrik explains that it is now easy to select what products, brands and potential upsell add-ons that should be included in the quote by using the input fields. All the business-critical calculations are made automatically, which also secures their margins. The end result is a quote in PDF with the correct pricing list, terms and conditions, product images and facts sheets all included in one document. No more attachments are needed.

Vloxq was able to solve the main problem by automating several steps for Elon’s sales representatives and this will make it possible for them to focus more on the needs and wants of their customers, according to Fredrik.


Customers are positively surprised by how quickly their contact person at Elon can get back to them with an offer. This really makes Elon stand out from the competition that are still creating their quotes manually, as far as Fredrik knows  

Sales representatives have been able to free up almost two hours of time for every sales process. This time can now instead be used for more value creating activities together with their customers. Fredrik has really noticed a difference in his sales team since they implemented vloxq; they are happier and have more energy after they were able to eliminate a boring and tedious task.  

It is crucial to Fredrik and the Elon management team that every sent quote is correct. With vloxq they have been able to create and overview over their entire sales pipeline and what offers that have been sent to whom and what it includes.

Another important fact is that the average offer value has increased since Elon implemented vloxq because the sales representatives now have more time to identify and offer the best products to their customers. The combination of saved time, shorter sales cycles and higher average offer value has resulted in overall increased sales for Elon, according to Fredrik.

As a supplier, it is important to Elon  to be viewed as fast and customer focused. This is especially important to Fredrik when he evaluates new initiatives and investments for his organization.